YMCA Programs Director Loves MemberHub
31 January, 2012 - Blog
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Remember, YMCA’s can save 10%-20% on MemberHub.com monthly and yearly pricing plans…how cool is that!
Please use the following codes when submitting your subscription:
10% off monthly pricing plan – enter code http://thewoodlandretreat.com/home/the-tender-heart-trailer/lycksele-havet-two-seat-sofa-bed-vallarum-turquoise__0455759_pe603711_s4/ DRCS10
20% off Yearly pricing plan – enter code http://avavolleyball.com/ava-grass-volleyball-program DRCS20
Visit MemberHub.com/ymca to see more video testimonials and learn how your YMCA member and group management will benefit from MemberHub. It is worth the time to explore!