If you are like me, you spend a lot of time working with e-mail on your iOS device(s), especially across multiple accounts. But you may have not known that in iOS 7, Apple provided a feature that helps you filter and organize your mail messages.
Now most iOS users don’t use this filtering feature because it is somewhat hidden. Where is it? Let’s go find out…
iOS 7 Mail app has new “smart mailboxes” that filter your incoming email into new categories, like Unread, To or CC, Attachments, All Drafts, All Sent, and All Trash. When activated, they will appear in the “Mailboxes” side panel.
To find and activate these smart mailboxes…
Tap and open the Mail app
Make sure you are viewing the Mailboxes side panel (left side)
In Edit mode, you will notice some new mailbox options that are inactive (see red rectangle box in image)
To activate the smart mailbox(es) you’d like to use, simply tap the radio button next to it. (http://kirstincronn-mills.com/?cat=37 Note: If you have more than one email account configured, these smart mailboxes apply globally to all your email account messages.)
You may also rearrange the order that your mailboxes appear in the Mailboxes side panel list by holding down on the adjacent grab bars and dragging (see red arrow in image)
You can also add individual mailbox folders to the main screen saving you from having to dig into the account-specific folder hierarchy for folders you frequently access. Just tap the Add Mailbox… option and select the folders you want to display. (see the red circle in the image)
When you are happy with your changes, tap Done in the upper right corner.
Now, when you look at your Mailbox view, you’ll see these new ones ready for you to use. Tap on any of them, and you’ll see just the email that matches that smart mailbox.
I really like and use the Unread and Attachments mailboxes.
Hope you learned something today…if you did, pat yourself on the back and go show off to your family, friends, and coworkers. You deserve it!
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